“A Journey from Graffiti to Design through Contemporary Art” en Pentawards

Felipe Pantone
En nuestra recomendación de hoy, los invitamos a disfrutar de esta entrevista realizada al gran Felipe Pantone titulada “A Journey from Graffiti to Design through Contemporary Art” en @Pentawards el pasado Septiembre 2022. Una perspectiva interesante de su trabajo y que fue presentada con un avatar digital del artista creado por @rozmerel.
Te dejamos el link del video:
If you’re interested in hearing my story, we just made available on YouTube (link in bio) my presentation “A Journey from Graffiti to Design Through Contemporary Art”. I gave this talk at @pentawards last September in London. It was a great experience to talk in front of so many talented people and to actually sit down and look at my work and put everything into perspective.
Massive thanks to my brother @rozmerel helping me coding the avatar!! ????
*Subtitles available in every language
April 28, 2023
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