
Among the formal elements that artists have had throughout history to elaborate and sustain their discursive proposals, line has undoubtedly played a leading role. The line is consubstantial with drawing, and it is also the zero degree of painting and sculpture. It is, after the point, the minimum sign, the essential mark, the basis of almost all formal articulation.


Throughout the 20th century, many artists made the line their starting place and the horizon for many of their inquiries. Taking the line into space, separating it from the pictorial plane, became a search and conquest. Many set out to draw in the air, extending the work towards the third dimension and then incorporating the fourth, time, which passes and transforms the work in interaction with the viewer. Today these explorations travel new paths in works that renew them with the perspectives and means of the 21st century.


In this new exhibition, Marión Art Gallery has brought together a group of renown and emerging artists who use the line and its behavior in space as a fundamental element of their artistic discourse. Among them are Jaime Gili, Felipe Pantone, Jesús Ojeda, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Julio Le Parc, Jesús Soto and Elías Crespín, of whom two representative pieces have been chosen to celebrate the recent addition of his work to the permanent collection of the Louvre Museum.


This is a great opportunity to get closer to the work of these artists, with a transversal view that encourages dialogues between dissimilar proposals based on the observation of their handling of essential formal elements.


Additionally, the Marión Art Gallery spaces also exhibit a room dedicated to the Otazu project, which brings together art and wine of the finest quality. The room presents the original bottles from the Bodega Otazu (Pamplona, ​​Spain) intervened by the artists Carlos Cruz-Diez, David Magán and Héctor Zamora, as well as a detailed explanation of the project and each of the interventions.


Finally, the gallery maintains its Permanent Room dedicated to the work of the Carlos Cruz-Diez and a space dedicated to the graphic work of the represented artists.

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